About Me
What does someone really need to know about another person? We all have our own issues, don't we?
I'll give you this. I am a Baby Boomer, born in 1952 or was it 1953? I turn 66 or 67 shortly and I'm not afraid of the aging process. I love to read and I love to write. I stand firm in my faith. I'm 30 pounds overweight, but trying (again) to do something about it. I talk...a lot. I can be opinionated and you might not agree with me, but that's okay. I love to laugh and believe there is humor in everything.
I used to wonder why old people got so cranky. I don't anymore, as I sometimes feel the frustration of always "having" to be polite even when I shouldn't have to be. Why can't I send back cold food or comment on poor service? I give more compliments than complaints, but I do complain if there is a good reason.
Why did I decide to blog? Because I believe the generation of Baby Boomers who made waves coming into this world will also change the rules as to how they leave it. And we'll do it with a smile! So join me as we share quips, quotes, stories, and memories of the greatest generation to have ever lived! (Or so we think.)
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